Practice Topics

Explore targeted learning areas designed to enhance your skills and boost your readiness for technical interviews.

FrontendZip offers a 30-day challenge where you can improve your coding skills by solving one coding problem every day.
Prepare for UI coding interviews by solving the collection of challenges from Frontend Mini Challenges.
Strengthen your grasp of fundamental data structures and algorithms through various practice problems and exercises.
Master the art of creating polyfills to ensure your JavaScript code works seamlessly across different environments and browsers.
Sharpen your skills in asynchronous programming by practicing the use of async/await, Promises, and callback functions.
Enhance your understanding of design systems by practicing the development of reusable components and their integration.
Deepen your understanding of the Lodash library by practicing the implementation of various utility functions for data manipulation.
Explore the power of custom hooks in React by practicing the creation of custom hooks for state management and side effects.
Challenge your knowledge of essential front-end development with our quiz trivia-style questions!