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2. Cascading

Cascading in CSS

Cascading in CSS refers to the process by which styles are applied to HTML elements based on a set of rules, facilitating inheritance and overriding of styles.

How Cascading Works:

  1. Specificity: CSS rules are applied based on their specificity, determining which styles take precedence over others. Specificity is calculated based on the combination of selectors used in a CSS rule.

  2. Order of Appearance: If two or more conflicting CSS rules have the same specificity, the order in which they appear in the stylesheet determines which one takes precedence. Rules defined later in the stylesheet override earlier ones.

  3. Importance: CSS properties can be marked as important using the !important keyword, giving them the highest priority. However, it's generally considered a best practice to avoid using !important as it can lead to issues with maintainability and readability.


Consider the following CSS rules:

/* Rule 1 */
p {
    color: red;
/* Rule 2 */
p {
    color: blue;

Understanding Specificity:

  1. Inline Styles: Styles applied directly to an HTML element using the style attribute have the highest specificity.

  2. ID Selectors: Selectors targeting elements by their ID have higher specificity than class selectors.

  3. Class and Attribute Selectors: Selectors targeting elements by their class or attributes have lower specificity than ID selectors.

  4. Element and Pseudo-element Selectors: Selectors targeting elements or pseudo-elements have the lowest specificity.

Calculating Specificity:

Specificity is typically represented as a four-part value, with each part corresponding to the specificity of different types of selectors. The value is calculated as follows:

  • Inline styles contribute 1000 points to the specificity.
  • ID selectors contribute 100 points to the specificity.
  • Class, attribute, and pseudo-class selectors contribute 10 points to the specificity.
  • Element and pseudo-element selectors contribute 1 point to the specificity.


Consider the following CSS selectors:

/* Rule 1 */
#main-content {
    color: red;
/* Rule 2 */
p.special {
    color: blue;

In this example:

  • Rule 1 targets an element with the ID main-content, contributing 100 points to specificity.
  • Rule 2 targets <p> elements with the class special, contributing 10 points to specificity.

If both rules apply to the same element, the color specified in Rule 1 will be applied because it has a higher specificity due to the presence of an ID selector.

Importance of Specificity:

Understanding specificity is crucial for writing effective CSS code and avoiding unintended styling conflicts. By understanding how specificity works, developers can create CSS rules that apply styles predictably and maintainably across their web projects.

Understanding Order of Appearance:

  1. Later Declarations Override Earlier Ones: When two or more CSS rules with the same specificity conflict, the rule that appears later in the stylesheet or document overrides the earlier ones. Browsers apply styles based on the last rule encountered for a particular element.

  2. Cascade Principle: The cascade principle states that CSS rules cascade downwards from parent elements to child elements. In cases where multiple rules target the same element, the rule defined closest to the element takes precedence.


Consider the following CSS rules targeting the same element:

/* Rule 1 */
p {
    color: red;
/* Rule 2 */
p {
    color: blue;

In this example, both rules target <p> elements and set their text color. Since Rule 2 appears after Rule 1 in the stylesheet, the color specified in Rule 2 (blue) will be applied to <p> elements, overriding the color specified in Rule 1 (red).

Importance of Order of Appearance:

Understanding the order of appearance is essential for writing CSS code that behaves as expected. By carefully arranging CSS rules within stylesheets or documents, developers can control how styles are applied to elements and avoid unexpected styling conflicts or overrides. Additionally, organizing CSS rules in a logical order can enhance readability and maintainability of the codebase.

Understanding Importance:

  1. Highest Priority: When a CSS property is marked as important using !important, it overrides other conflicting styles, regardless of their specificity or order of appearance. This means that the style marked as important takes precedence over other styles.

  2. Use with Caution: While !important can be a useful tool in certain situations, it's generally recommended to use it sparingly. Overusing !important can lead to issues with maintainability and debugging, as it can make it challenging to identify and resolve conflicts in the CSS code.


Consider the following CSS rules targeting the same element:

/* Rule 1 */
p {
    color: red !important;
/* Rule 2 */
p {
    color: blue;

In this example, even though Rule 2 appears later in the stylesheet and has the same specificity as Rule 1, the color specified in Rule 1 (red) will be applied to <p> elements because it is marked as important using !important.

Best Practices:

  1. Use Sparingly: Reserve the !important declaration for exceptional cases where it's absolutely necessary. Overusing it can make the CSS codebase difficult to maintain and debug.

  2. Avoiding Specificity Wars: Instead of relying on !important to resolve specificity conflicts, consider restructuring the CSS code or using more specific selectors to target elements.

  3. Commenting: If you do use !important, make sure to comment your code to explain why it's necessary and provide context for future developers.

By understanding the importance of the !important keyword and using it judiciously, developers can maintain cleaner, more manageable CSS codebases while ensuring that styles are applied as intended.